Cafe Altura is the world's very first organic coffee brand. Established in 1980, Cafe Altura was formed around a shared belief in the transformative and healing power of Organic and Regenerative agriculture. In 1980, founder, Chris Shepherd, traveled to Chiapas, Mexico in search of coffee grown without the use of harmful chemicals in methods that cared for both people and the environment. Today, Cafe Altura roasts its beans in Ventura, California, on vintage roasters and continue to promote organic agriculture through sustainable commerce.
Cafe Altura成立於1980年, 是世界上第一个有機咖啡品牌. Cafe Altura圍繞着对有機和再生農業的轉變和治癒力量的共同信念而形成。在1980年,创始人Chris Shepherd前往墨西哥的Chiapas州, 尋找既不使用有害化學物質,又能保護人与環境的咖啡種植方法。 如今,Cafe Altura在美國加利福尼亚州Ventura市使用經典傳統烘培機烘焙咖啡豆, 并通过可持續的商业方式推广有机农业。
Inspired by the great tradition of darkly roasted coffee in the city of San Francisco, Café Altura proudly offers San Francisco Blend. Composed of several of our finest coffees from Central and South America, Café Altura San Francisco Blend is a rich French roast with bold, roast forward flavour.
受三藩市深度烘焙咖啡傳統的啟發,Café Altura 推出了三藩市混合咖啡(San Francisco Blend)。這款咖啡由來自中美洲和南美洲的數種最優質咖啡豆混合而成,是一款濃郁的帶有炭燒風味的法式烘焙咖啡。
原產地: 墨西哥, 危地馬拉
Origin: Mexico, Guatemala
農莊: Ek Balam Productores del Jaguar農業合作社, Organic Los Volcanes農業合作社
Producer: Ek Balam Productores del Jaguar, Organic Los Volcanes
海拔: 950-1650 m.a.s.l.
Altitude: 950-1650 m.a.s.l.
品種: 多種
Cultivar: Various
處理方法: 全水洗
Process: Fully washed
烘焙度: 法式烘焙
Roasting: French Roast
烘焙地: 美國加州
Roasted in: California, USA
認證: 美國農業部有幾認證, 無轉基因認證
Certification: USDA Organic & Non-GMO
Farm Story 農莊的故事
Ek-Balam - Ek-Balam Productores del Jaguar S.C. DE R. L. de C.V. (Ek-Balam) was formed in 2019 with 399 members. The vast majority of producers have indigenous roots and continue to speak a native language. Nearly one third of these growers are women who depend on income from coffee to support their families. They cultivate coffee on farms that average just a few acres in size, small enough for each producer to process their own coffee with their own micro-mill. Ek-Balam provides crucial support to small producers. In particular, the association has helped producers gain access to credit and certifications. Investments for basic infrastructure needs, like road improvements, establishing local warehouses, and operating a dry-mill facility are all coordinated through Ek-Balam, which ensures traceability and quality control throughout the post-harvest process. Their collective efforts have established higher prices and more producer income to support best agricultural practices and improve livelihoods.
埃克-巴蘭 (Ek-Balam) - 埃克-巴蘭美洲虎生產者合作社 (Ek-Balam Productores del Jaguar S.C. DE R. L. de C.V.) 成立於2019年,擁有399名成員。絕大多數生產者擁有原住民血統,並且仍然使用母語交流。其中近三分之一的種植者是女性。她們依靠咖啡收入來支持家庭生計。他們在平均只有幾英畝大小的農場上種植咖啡。規模小到每位生產者都可以使用自己的微型處理設備來處理咖啡。
Organic Los Volcanes - Most look to western Guatemala for coffee, but there is something exciting to offer from the heart of the country. Organic Los Volcanes is sourced from several different organic certified cooperatives located in the less traveled department of Alta Verapaz, north of the city of Coban. The region has thousands of indigenous communities where coffee has been cultivated for generations on small farms that average 3 acres in size. Producers process their harvest with their own micro-mill, which allows for meticulous care in cherry selection, depulping, fermenting, and drying the coffee. They have also organized themselves into cooperatives to overcome the obstacles they face in a rugged and isolated region of Guatemala. The cooperatives provide centralized warehouses to store dried parchment until it is time to move the coffee across the country along rough roads to Guatemala City where the coffee is prepared for export. Through cooperatives, the producers have combined their efforts to gain technical assistance for managing their farms with the best organic practices and learned new strategies to protect their farms from the impact of climate change and focus on strategies to improve quality. Using materials, like coffee pulp, to make organic fertilizers has helped reduce the transportation costs associated with purchasing fertilizer from afar, and at the same time, creates an abundant source of fertilizer that ensures better yields and quality.
有機洛斯沃爾卡內斯咖啡(Organic Los Volcanes)— 大多數人將目光投向危地馬拉西部的咖啡。但在該國中心地帶也有令人興奮的選擇。有機洛斯沃爾卡內斯咖啡來自多個位於阿爾塔維拉帕斯省(Alta Verapaz)的有機認證合作社。該地區位於科班市(Coban)以北,較少為人所知。這個地區有數千個原住民社區。咖啡在這裡的小型農場上已經世代耕種。平均每個農場只有約3英畝大小。生產者使用自己的微型處理設備來處理咖啡收成,這使得他們能夠在咖啡櫻桃挑選,去果皮,發酵和乾燥過程中進行精細的照料。