Made in New Zealand
Net Weight: 14g
淨重: 14克
Extend the life of your Ethique bars with this biodegradable saver bag. Use it to store little bits and pieces of foaming bars such as solid shampoo bars, face cleanser bars or bodywash bars, or simply pop a whole bar in to keep it nice and dry between uses.
用可分解生物材料製造, 此儲存袋可延長Ethique產品的壽命. 無論儲存整塊或零碎碎片, 此儲存袋可令洗髮芭, 潔面芭, 沐浴芭在使用後保持乾爽.
Made with sisal, a natural fibre from the agave plant, this mesh bag makes for a great gentle exfoliator too - and is compostable!
儲存袋採用劍麻製成. 劍麻是一種來自接龍舌蘭植物的天然纖維. 它亦是一種非常溫和的去角質用料, 並可作堆肥用.
For hair: take your bar out of the bag to use on your hair, (friction from the bag can cause hair damage). Pop the bar back in after use for easy drying.
用於洗髮及護髮: 必須將芭拿出網袋使用. 袋子的磨擦可能會導致頭髮受損. 使用後, 將芭放入儲存袋以保持乾爽.
For face & body exfoliation: pop your bar (or pieces) inside the bag and secure with the drawstring. Wet the bag and massage across your skin for extra exfoliation and lots of lather. Hang after use to allow the bag and bar(s) to dry thoroughly. Handwash your bag between bar refills to keep it clean.
用於面部和皮膚去角質: 將整塊芭或碎片放進儲存袋, 並束上袋口. 將儲存袋濕透, 並在身上按摩. 這樣可產生大量泡沫並為皮膚去除角質. 使用後, 將儲存袋懸掛起來, 讓袋和芭徹底乾燥. 不時清洗用手洗方式清洗儲存袋, 令袋保持潔淨.