烘焙地: 美国加州
Cafe Altura is the world's very first organic coffee brand. Established in 1980, Cafe Altura was formed around a shared belief in the transformative and healing power of Organic and Regenerative agriculture. In 1980, founder, Chris Shepherd, traveled to Chiapas, Mexico in search of coffee grown without the use of harmful chemicals in methods that cared for both people and the environment. Today, Cafe Altura roasts its beans in Ventura, California, on vintage roasters and continue to promote organic agriculture through conscious commerce.
Cafe Altura成立于1980年, 是世界上第一个有机咖啡品牌. Cafe Altura围绕着对有机和再生农业的转变和治愈力量的共同信念而形成。在1980年,创始人Chris Shepherd前往墨西哥的恰帕斯州, 寻找既不使用有害化学物质, 又能融合人与环境的咖啡种植方法. 如今, Cafe Altura在加利福尼亚州文图拉市使用传统烘培机烘焙咖啡豆, 并通过有意识的商业方式继续推广有机农业。
Inspired by the legendary Mocha-Java blends of old, Mocha Java is a modern take on an ancient tradition. Crafted with earthy wet-hulled coffee from Indonesian and citrus-forward washed coffee from Ethiopia, Mocha Java is a medium roast bursting with flavour and complexity.
Coffee profile
原产地: 埃塞俄比亚, 印度尼西亚
Origin: Ethiopia, Indonesia
农庄: Adado 合作社, Gayo Manidri 合作社
Producer : Adado Cooperative, Gayo Mandiri Cooperative
海拔: 1200-2359 masl
Altitude : 1200-2350 masl
品种: 多种混合豆
Cultivar : Various
处理方法: 全水洗
Process : Fully washed
烘焙度: 中
Roasting: Medium
烘焙地: 美国加州
Roasted in: California, USA
认证: 美国农业部有几认证, 无转基因认证
Certification : USDA Organic & Non-GMO
Farm Story
Adado Cooperative - This coffee is sourced from family-owned farms organized around the Adado Cooperative located within the coffee region of Yirgacheffe in the Gedeo Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region, Ethiopia. The Adado Cooperative currently has 1,128 members. In 2002 , the cooperative joined the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU), an umbrella organization established in 2002 to support a sustainable coffee supply from cooperatives in the Gedeo ethnic region of Ethiopia. There are twenty-six other cooperatives affiliated with the YCFCU totaling more than 45,000 members.
Gayo Mandiri Cooperative - Family-owned farms organized around the KSU Gayo Mandiri cooperative located in the Bener Meriah regency within the Aceh district, on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. KSU Gayo Mandiri was founded in 2008 and currently has 1218 members. On average, producers cultivate coffee on 2.5 acres of land using their own micro-mills to depulp and dry coffee. The cooperative hosts regular trainings on best agricultural practices to assist small producers with their organic certification while improving the quality of their coffee. KSU Gayo Mandiri also invest premiums generated from certifications in roads to help producers overcome problems transporting their coffee. The cooperative also recently purchased an ambulance to improve access to emergency healthcare.