
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝

Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Smooth Sailing™ 一帆風順禮品套裝


Made in New Zealand 新西蘭製造

Net weight 淨重: 170g

For dry hair 適合乾燥頭髮用

洁净飘逸, 柔顺自信!

This set contains 套裝包含:

Ethique Frizz Wrangler™ 曲髮馴服洗髮芭 x 1
Ethique Too Delicious™ 超級滋潤護髮芭 x 1

Hair in need of some TLC? This supremely smoothing shampoo and conditioner duo works a treat at replenishing dry, frizzy or damaged hair.

您的秀髮急需特別的關愛呵護嗎? 這款超順滑配方的洗髮及護髮芭套裝, 雙重高效, 深層修復乾裂, 毛燥及受損髮絲, 讓秀髮由內至外回復貼服易梳. 

Deliciously coconutty Frizz Wrangler™ shampoo bar gently cleanses without drying out strands. Formulated with organic, fairly traded Ghanaian cocoa butter and creamed coconut butter from Samoa to soften and nourish strands without weighing them down.

Ethique曲髮馴服洗髮芭散發椰子清香, 溫和清潔頭皮和髮絲, 同時保濕不乾燥, 令秀髮時刻柔順不打結. 洗髮皂成分天然, 包括符合公平貿易原則的有機加納可可脂及薩摩亞椰子油等,保濕柔順不油膩, 從根本滋潤軟化頭髮, 同時維持秀髮彈性輕盈感. 

With a yummy, citrus-sweet pink grapefruit and vanilla scent, this Too Delicious™ conditioner bar is a delicious treat for dry or damaged hair. We've used a blend of intensely nourishing ingredients such as shea butter, cocoa butter, and THC-free hemp seed oil to deeply condition and replenish strands.

Ethique超級滋潤護髮芭結合雲呢拿及西柚的怡人香氣, 幼滑細緻呵護每一根乾燥及受損秀髮. 特別選用一系列深層滋潤成分, 包括乳木果油, 可可脂及不含四氫大麻酚 (THC) 的大麻籽油, 為髮絲提供由內到外的呵護修復.

  • Perfect for oily hair
  • Saves 8 x 350ml bottles
  • Shampoo bar: Around 80 uses*
  • Conditioner bar: Around 120 uses*

       * Based on real user experience, subject to usage habit and storage condition.

  • 適合油性髮質
  • 份量相等於8樽(350毫升)洗髮水和護髮素
  • 可洗髮次數: 約80次*
  • 可護髮次數: 約120次*

       * 基於真實用戶體驗調查. 洗髮芭/護髮芭的壽命因使用習慣及儲存狀況而異.


  1. Shampoo bar: Wet your hair and the bar. Slide the bar from root to tip 3-4 times. Put the bar down and lather shampoo into hair. It will foam! Rinse.
  2. Conditioner bar: After shampooing, slide conditioner through the ends of your hair as needed. Put the bar down and massage the conditioner into your locks. Leave for 1-2 minutes. Rinse.
  3. Pro tip: keep the bars thoroughly dry in between uses to increase product longevity.
  1. 洗髮芭: 充分濕潤頭髮後, 用洗髮芭塗抹發根至髮尾3-4 次. 放下洗髮芭, 用雙手輕柔搓揉即可起泡. 用水沖洗乾淨.
  2. 護髮芭: 洗髮後, 用護髮芭按需從發根塗抹至髮尾. 放下護髮芭. 用雙手輕輕按摩護髮素至髮綹. 讓護髮素在髮綹中停留大約1至2分鐘. 用水沖洗乾淨. 
  3. 專業提示: 每次使用後, 須將洗髮護髮芭置於乾爽通風處. 這樣可以延長使用壽命.

Ingredients 成分:

See individual product page for details.


Ethique Frizz Wrangler™ 曲髮馴服洗髮芭
Ethique Too Delicious™ 超級滋潤護髮芭