
Raw Element® Organic Refined Avocado Oil for High Heat Cooking 源机®有机牛油果油(1L) - 适用于高温煮食

Raw Element® Organic Refined Avocado Oil for High Heat Cooking 源机®有机牛油果油(1L) - 适用于高温煮食


Made in Spain 西班牙制造

Key features 主要特色:

  • EU/USDA organic certified
  • Made in Spain from Kenya organic avocados
  • 240°C smoke point - more suitable for high heat cooking (stir fry, pan fry, deep fry, bake, BBQ, roast)
  • Rich in healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) and essential vitamins and minerals (vitamins A, D, E, potassium, etc)
  • 欧盟/美国双重有机认证
  • 西班牙制造. 有机牛油果来自肯尼亚
  • 240°C烟点- 更适合高温煮食(煎/炸/炒/烘焙/烧烤)
  • 富含单元不饱和脂肪脂肪, 多元不饱和脂肪及多种人体必需的维他命和矿物质(维他命A, D, E, 钾等)

Cooking oil is one of the food related daily necessities we absorb into our body. Using healthy oil is vital to our everyday wellbeing.

食用油是与食物有关的日常生活必需品之一. 选用健康的食用油对人体身心健康极为重要.

Raw Element ® organic refined avocado oil is a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamins A, D, E and K as well as potassium and omega fatty acids such as monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat, which can help reduce bad cholesterol levels. It's packed with antioxidants that can help protect your body from free radical damage caused by environmental toxins.

源机 ®牛油果油含有丰富的欧米茄脂肪酸(比如单元不饱和脂肪和多元不饱和脂肪). 这两种脂肪酸有助于减低人体内有害胆固醇.源机®牛油果油还含有丰富的维他命A, D, E以及钾等人体必需的维他命及矿物质. 这些成分的抗氧化功能有助人体抵抗来自外部环境的有害物质所产生的自由基.

Additionally, Raw Element® organic refined avocado oil has a high smoke point (240°C), making it ideal for cooking at higher temperatures without breaking down or producing harmful compounds like other oils may do when heated too quickly or at too high of heat levels. It's especially suitable for all kinds frying dishes as well as baking, grilling and roasting.

另外, 源机®有机牛油果油的烟点(240°C)比一般煮食油高很多. 非常适合高温煮食, 比如煎, 炸, 炒, 烘焙及烧烤. 低烟点油极易冒烟. 油一旦出烟, 不仅会破坏油的营养成分, 还会产生自由基等对健康有害的物质.

Raw Element® organic refined avocado oil is made in Spain by one of the leading cooking oil producers, APE, with organic avocados from Kenya. Unknown to many, Kenya, with its lush, green landscape and rich biodiversity, is one of the major avocado grower and exporters in the world. Kenya's avocado is known for its superior quality in terms of size, flavour profile and nutritional content. There are stringent protocols put into place by local farmers to ensure only top grade fruits reach export markets.

源机 ®有机牛油果油选用肯尼亚有机牛油果, 由西班牙顶级食用油制造公司APE出品. 肯尼亚是世界主要牛油果种植及出口国. 肯尼亚的优良气候, 肥沃的土壤及多样化的生态环境, 令它的牛油果在大小, 口味及营养成分方面具有特别的优势. 牛油果种植农场执行严格的认证及筛选机制, 只允许顶级牛油果出口.

Ingredients 成分:

Organic refined avocado oil, organic virgin avocado oil

有机精练牛油果油, 有机初榨牛油果油

Nutrition Facts (per 100ml) 营养成分(每100毫升) :

Certifications 认证:

EU Organic Certification (ES-ECO-002-AN), USDA Organic Certification (Control Union CU877210)

Storage 储存:

Keep in cool and dark place. Avoid direct sunlight.

置于阴冷暗处. 避免阳光直射.
