
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝

Ethique Haircare Gift Pack - Touchy Subject™ 敏感話題禮品套裝


Made in New Zealand 新西蘭製造

Net weight 淨重: 170g

For sensitive scalp 適合敏感頭皮使用

This set contains 套裝包含:

Ethique Heali Kiwi™ 奇癒之旅洗髮芭 x 1
Ethique In The Buff™ 一絲不掛無味護髮芭 x 1

Touchy or dry scalp got you down? Don't fret! This shampoo and conditioner combo is here to help wash your scalp woes away.

頭皮乾燥,痕癢難當卻又苦無對策? 今天開始不再煩惱! 使用Ethique敏感話題禮品套裝, 洗髮護髮兩部曲, 輕鬆告別敏感頭皮, 從此頭痕不再!

Top-selling Heali Kiwi™ shampoo bar contains a powerful blend of neem and karanja oils, which are renowned in Ayurvedic medicine for their healing properties. Combined with soothing oatmeal to calm touchy scalps, Heali Kiwi™ gently and effectively helps to wash your scalp woes away as fairly traded cocoa butter & coconut oil nourish hair for softness and shine.

Ethique王牌奇癒之旅洗髮芭結合印度古方最強消炎鎮靜和療癒成分(苦楝油及卡蘭賈油), 天然潔淨力, 溫和淨化頭皮. 加上豐潤天然燕麥以及符合公平貿易原則的椰子油和可可脂, 滋養潤澤, 讓頭髮在健康的微生態生長, 更貼服柔順. 

With no added fragrances or essential oils, In The Buff™ conditioner bar offers the ultimate conditioning experience for sensitive scalps. It's formulated with fairly traded cocoa butter, babassu oil and THC-free hemp seed oil to soften, smooth and nourish hair.

Ethique一絲不掛無味護髮芭不含香精或精油, 為敏感頭皮提供終極滋潤的天然護髮體驗. 配方採用符合公平貿易原則的可可脂, 巴巴蘇仁油以及不含四氫大麻酚 (THC) 的大麻籽油, 全面滋養髮絲, 頭髮輕爽柔軟, 順滑光澤零負擔.

  • Perfect for touchy scalps
  • Saves 8 x 350ml bottles
  • Shampoo: At least 80 uses*
  • Conditioner: At least 120 uses*

       * Based on real user experience, subject to usage habit and storage condition.

    • 適合敏感頭皮
    • 份量相等於8樽(350毫升)洗髮水和護髮素
    • 可洗髮次數: 約80次*
    • 可護髮次數: 約120次*

           * 基於真實用戶體驗調查. 洗髮芭/護髮芭的壽命因使用習慣及儲存狀況而異.

    How to use 使用說明:

    1. Shampoo bar: Wet your hair and the bar. Slide the bar from root to tip 3-4 times. Put the bar down and lather shampoo into hair. It will foam! Rinse.
    2. Conditioner bar: After shampooing, slide conditioner through the ends of your hair as needed. Put the bar down and massage the conditioner into your locks. Leave for 1-2 minutes. Rinse.
    3. Pro tip: keep the bars thoroughly dry in between uses to increase product longevity.
    1. 洗髮芭: 充分濕潤頭髮後, 用洗髮芭塗抹發根至髮尾3-4 次. 放下洗髮芭, 用雙手輕柔搓揉即可起泡. 用水沖洗乾淨.
    2. 護髮芭: 洗髮後, 用護髮芭按需從發根塗抹至髮尾. 放下護髮芭. 用雙手輕輕按摩護髮素至髮綹. 讓護髮素在髮綹中停留大約1至2分鐘. 用水沖洗乾淨. 
    3. 專業提示: 每次使用後, 須將洗髮護髮芭置於乾爽通風處. 這樣可以延長使用壽命.

    Ingredients 成分:

    See individual product page for details.


    Ethique Heali Kiwi™ 奇癒之旅洗髮芭
    Ethique In The Buff™ 一絲不掛無味護髮芭